The mosaic art is one of the most beautiful solutions for walls and floors. Mosaic is considered one of the most beautiful solutions for finishing walls and floors, it can be laid out of any solid material – it’s ceramic, glass, pebbles or shells. To perform the work yourself is simple enough, but first you need to create a sketch to understand how the future creation will look like.
Materials for self-laying a mosaic
The original panel can decorate any surface – it can be a wall in the bathroom, an apron in the kitchen or a tabletop. The mosaic is laid out in different color combinations – it can be a chaotic set of elements or a pattern that is as close to reality as possible.
What story to choose depends on the fantasy of the master, from materials most often used for panels are ceramic tiles, which are produced in a wide range of colors and textures, easy to break into fragments and laid out on a horizontal or vertical surface.
Also for a mosaic you can use any available material: porcelain tiles, glass, and broken crockery or pebbles from the nearest river, as long as there is enough material to create the intended plot. The easiest variant of laying out the pattern will be ceramic, but first you need to properly prepare the surface, the tiles and choose the adhesive.
The mosaic will look spectacular if you think in advance about the ornament, draw it in color on paper and in full size, then it will be easier to navigate with the size and the right tone of the individual fragments.
The stages of creating a mosaic with your own hands
When the material for the panel is determined, then it is worth paying attention to the laying surface, which must be prepared. As a basis for the mosaic can act plastered and wooden wall or plasterboard.
The surface should be as even and clean as possible, that before starting the work it must be covered with a primer, which will ensure good adhesion.
Often the mosaic is laid out on curvilinear surfaces, which looks quite spectacular, but for its creation will require smaller pieces and a certain skill.

Rules for creating a mosaic sketch
If there is artistic ability, then the drawing can be thought up independently. For beginners it is better to take an idea you like from the Internet and transfer it to paper.
The mosaic in the graphic can be done in the form of a scheme with crosses, lines and dots, where the signs will mean a certain color. To create a panel in the form of an ornament or a drawing it is better to make a sketch in tones close to the original, so it will be easier to embody it on the surface.
Rules for creating a mosaic:
- In order to maintain the correct proportions it is better to begin the sketch and the future laying of the fragments from the center. The mosaic will look more harmonious when the colors are located evenly on the surface.
- When creating a sketch with a drawing, first traced large fragments in the form of animals, people or plants with complex geometry.
- Background and small details are performed in the last turn, so you can create a complete picture, which will look beautiful and harmonious.
If a large-sized panel is planned, it is better to create it in fragments, which will look like squares, of which the composition is created. A small mosaic can be drawn in full size on wattman, so it will be easier to make the laying of fragments.
How to prepare the elements of the panel for the mosaic
To create a beautiful pattern you will need elements of different formats. Ceramic tiles can be cut or simply broken into smaller pieces, the accuracy of size is not needed, so the mosaic is suitable for any piece.
The main thing when laying the picture – to comply with the color of the composition, and for the abstract suit any format.
Prepare ceramic tiles, without too many small fragments, can be hammered through a cloth. After preparing the elements, it is advisable to arrange them in different fractions, colors and shades, then in the process of work will not have to look for the right piece.
The choice of glue for mosaics
The best option is considered a composition for ceramic tiles white on a polymer basis. Such an adhesive can be used for finishing walls in the bathroom and kitchen.
If the mosaic is laid on curved surfaces, then experts recommend buying compositions on an epoxy basis or liquid nails, which will ensure optimal adhesion in difficult areas.
Laying a mosaic on a vertical surface with your own hands
Laying the elements is most often performed by a direct set. This will require a ready-made sketch, glue and a small board for aligning the fragments horizontally. If you intend to perform a drawing with complex geometry, it is better to make it on the surface and mark the colors.
For abstraction, this stage can be skipped and immediately create a panel on the wall, but if the work is carried out for the first time, it is better to draw a schematic sketch, which will ensure a neat appearance of the future composition.
Laying a mosaic with their own hands:
- Preparation of the surface. The walls must be treated with compositions that improve adhesion, a primer of deep penetration will do. On wooden or plasterboard bases, it is necessary to apply tile adhesive with a thickness of 3-5 mm and wait for its complete drying.
- Laying out the elements. A large area must be divided into 25×25 cm squares, each of which is laid out separately in any order.
- Gluing the elements. If there is confidence that the pattern is laid out correctly, you can apply a thin layer of glue on the wall and immediately install the mosaic in place.
Remember that mistakes in the laying of the elements are inadmissible. For complex compositions with a large number of colors and formats of tiles, it is better to spend a little more time and apply glue to each fragment.
In the process of creating a mosaic it is necessary to align the panel horizontally. To do this, use a small board, which is periodically added to the surface and pressed down. The ready-made mosaic is left for drying for a day, only then proceed to grouting the seams between the elements.
A simple way to create a mosaic with their own hands
If the direct method of laying the elements causes difficulties, you can create a beautiful pattern on the wall with self-adhesive paper. Set a mosaic on a horizontal surface is much easier than laying out a panel on the wall.
To do this, you need to make an outline drawing with color markings on the paper. Laying on top of self-adhesive, gradually removing the protective layer, you can spread the mosaic.
If you intend to create a large pattern, the work can be done in parts, and the finished pieces are pasted on the wall. This method of installation is considered simpler, but not durable enough, so use it to finish the walls in the bathroom or kitchen is undesirable.
The mosaic will look beautiful and harmonious, if you use 3-5 colors. Mosaics made on self-adhesive paper will look great in the living room or bedroom.
Laying out the mosaic on the tabletop
Creating a beautiful surface involves a slightly different method in the work. Wood does not have good adhesion with glass or ceramic tiles, so careful preparation is necessary.
Stages of finishing the countertop with mosaics with your own hands:
- Clean the surface from varnish or paint. Wooden countertop is treated with sandpaper, first with a large and then with a small abrasive, which will create a rough base for better adhesion.
- The surface is treated with any solvent to remove grease deposits and dried.
- For the convenience of laying, you can draw a pattern on the countertop and create it side by side on any horizontal surface, then it will be easier and faster to work.
- Layout elements begin at the edge, especially if the tabletop has a round or oval shape. Apply a thin layer of glue and lay the pieces on the surface.
- As you work, you must press the mosaic with a wooden board to level the elements horizontally.
When the countertop is ready you must leave it to dry, and for the pieces to stick well, you can lay on top a sheet of fiberboard and put a small weight for 24 hours.
When the glue on the mosaic dries, you can begin to grout the seams, and you should be careful to keep the surface of the glass or ceramic tiles clean.
What is the best way to treat the joints between the mosaic
In stores, special compositions for this type of work are sold. Make grouting can be performed with a rubber spatula, sponge and water, which will allow you to gently apply the mixture over the entire surface and remove the excess.
Do not leave the composition on the mosaic for a long time, when it dries it is very strong and difficult to remove. If necessary, you can add any pigment to the grout mixture, which may be in the color of the panel or drastically different.
Mosaic for complete drying is left for another day, then you can wash off the stripes, and for gloss polish the surface with a soft cloth.
Care for the panel will not be difficult, if the composition is made of glass or ceramic tiles, which are glued to a special compound, it can be cleaned as an ordinary wall.
Mosaic – an art that is used to decorate interiors for many centuries. Perform it with your own hands is not difficult, but it is worth noting that this work is quite laborious and requires maximum accuracy.
But if the laying is done correctly, the result will be impressive and will retain its original appearance for a long time.